
Our academic programs support creative practitioners who strive for a world that’s brighter, more inclusive, relentlessly innovative, and ecologically resilient.


B.Com is a comprehensive undergraduate degree focusing on commerce, business principles, economics, finance, and accounting skills.


The BBA program at BGSIMS provides in-depth knowledge of business administration, emphasizing management skills and business acumen to prepare students for leadership roles.

The M.Com program at BGSIMS offers advanced studies in commerce, equipping students with in-depth understanding of business strategies and financial management for professional growth.


BCA course promotes the students to become good programmers and to gain knowledge about computer concepts. The program makes students competent and technically skilled to showcase their technical expertise and work in the IT industry.


Vision Is Bloom Younger Generation Especially Rural Students For Competitive World As Well As Promote And Facilitate Them For Open Challenges Of Society.


Vision Is Bloom Younger Generation Especially Rural Students For Competitive World As Well As Promote And Facilitate Them For Open Challenges Of Society.