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CUPE 5430 Tentative Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 5430 has reached a tentative agreement with the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO) after months of negotiations. The agreement covers more than 13,000 front-line health care workers across Saskatchewan, from licensed practical nurses to maintenance staff. Here`s what you need to know about the tentative agreement.

Wage Increases

The tentative agreement includes a series of wage increases over the course of the collective agreement. Employees will receive a 0.75% increase in the first year, 0.5% in the second year, 0.75% in the third year, and 1% in the fourth year. The increases are retroactive to October 1, 2019, and run until September 30, 2023.

Job Security

One of the key concerns for CUPE 5430 members was job security. The tentative agreement includes language that protects members from layoffs due to contracting out. The agreement also includes a job security provision for employees who are affected by restructuring.


The tentative agreement includes improvements to benefits for CUPE 5430 members. Employees will now have access to a health spending account, which will provide funding for health care expenses not covered by their existing benefit plan. The agreement also includes improvements to paramedical coverage, including an increase in the annual limit for chiropractic services.

Pension Plan

The tentative agreement includes improvements to the pension plan for CUPE 5430 members. The agreement includes a one-time increase in the employer contribution rate, as well as an increase in the cap on pensionable earnings. These changes will help ensure that members have a secure retirement.

Next Steps

The tentative agreement still needs to be ratified by both CUPE 5430 members and SAHO. Ratification votes are expected to take place in the coming weeks. If the agreement is ratified, it will be in effect until September 30, 2023.


The tentative agreement between CUPE 5430 and SAHO addresses some of the key concerns raised by CUPE members. The agreement includes wage increases, job security provisions, improvements to benefits, and improvements to the pension plan. Ratification votes will determine whether the agreement will be accepted by both parties.