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For avid fans of crossword puzzles, the phrase “by express agreement” might sound familiar. It`s a common crossword clue that appears in various forms, including “according to agreement” or “by mutual agreement.” The answer to this clue is usually an agreement or contract of some sort.

In crossword puzzles, clues are designed to provide hints that lead to the correct answer. They can be straightforward, or they can be deceptive or cryptic. The clue “by express agreement” falls into the straightforward category. It tells the solver that the answer is a phrase that signifies an agreement reached by parties involved in a particular transaction.

The phrase “by express agreement” is commonly used in legal terms, indicating that an agreement was made in writing, explicitly stated, and signed by all parties involved. This kind of agreement is binding and enforceable in the court of law. It is often used in business transactions, employment contracts, and lease agreements, among others.

One way to approach this crossword clue is to think of words or phrases that signify an agreement reached by parties involved in a transaction. Some common examples include “contract,” “pact,” “deal,” “covenant,” “treaty,” among others. These words often appear in crossword puzzles and can be used as a starting point for solving clues related to agreements.

The phrase “by express agreement” can also be broken down into its constituent parts to help solve the clue. “Express” means something that is explicitly stated, while “agreement” means a mutual understanding between two or more parties. Therefore, the answer to the clue is likely to be a phrase that suggests a mutually agreed-upon deal or contract explicitly stated in writing.

In conclusion, the phrase “by express agreement” is a common crossword clue that indicates an agreement reached by parties involved in a transaction. The answer to this clue is usually a phrase that signifies a mutually agreed-upon deal or contract explicitly stated in writing. By understanding the components of the clue, solvers can improve their chances of arriving at the correct answer and completing the puzzle successfully.